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  1. Please be sure to read the FAQ before sending us a message.

  2. As a rule, we will read your e-mail by the end of the week.

  3. We will reply to your message as soon as the content is finalized, but we may withhold our response depending on the content of the message. Please understand that we do not necessarily guarantee a response.

  4. Please note that it may take some time to reply due to various reasons. Depending on the content of your question, we may respond to you by means other than e-mail.

  5. Personal information such as your e-mail address and name will be managed responsibly within our circle, and will be used only for the purpose of replying to your inquiry, unless we decline your request in advance.

  6. If there is a question or a problem report that requires notification, we may send it out in the form of a Q&A session on SNS such as Twitter, etc. after removing personal information. Please understand this in advance.

  7. Please refrain from reproducing any part or all of our reply emails.

  8. Please refrain from sending any works, ideas, or creative materials via this form, or attaching any documents or data, unless requested by VirVox Project. Please contact us with any requests for cooperation or collaboration, either in person or through an authorized representative of the individual.

Thank you for your submission. Please note that we may not be able to reply to you depending on the content of your message. 

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